The liberal "Interfaith Council for Peace in the Middle East" claims on it's web site to support "...peaceful a means for raising awareness about the situation in Palestine, Israel and the Middle East..." They also write, "...the Council believes that...Judaism, Christianity and Islam affirm the sanctity and equal value of all human life..."
At this liberal "think tank" site on their Link page they condemn the Aid to Israel from the United States and claim that, "...every day the U.S. gives $7,023,288.00 in aid to Israel..."
These "Dumbing Down America Religious Manipulators" are being dishonest and distorting the real facts.
First of all the "FACT" of the matter is What is Palestine and Where is it Located? The Answer is: "Palestine" is Israel which is on the southeastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea, it boarders Lebanon on the north, Syria and Jordan on the east and Egypt on the southwest.
Secondly Islam is not a peaceful religion respecting the sanctity and value of human life, it's own leadership says of Islam, " a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government...Islam does not care about the land or who owns the land...the goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and to submit all of mankind to Islam..." (Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, Founder of Pakistan Fundamentalist Movement)
The United States and Israel have a deep strategic and intelligence relationship and our democratic ally is our only true friend in the Middle East. As the world is focused on events unfolding in the region, it is Israel which the United States and our Allies may depend on and trust.
Nearly 90% of the aid provided to Israel is military aid and not only is the United States a direct beneficiary of this aid which is used to defend innocent Israeli citizens but the Israel Defense Force serves as a deterrent in the region defending against tyranny by Islamic extremists that are a threat to global peace and security.
Israel is under daily attack by Hamas, Hezbollah and the elitist propagandists of organizations like the "Interfaith Council for Peace in the Middle East" working to undermine democracy not only in Israel but in the United States and throughout the world. These anti-Israeli groups, work feverishly to undermine freedom and prosperity and are engaged in a battle to distort the truth.
Mosasd the Israel Intelligence Agency is arguably one of the best Intelligence Agencies in the world providing up to the minute intelligence in the region with close cooperation with U.S. Intelligence Agencies.
Israel has a growing economy, partly with the assistance of U.S. foreign aid and with private economic investment. Israel is a land of democracy and thriving prosperity. In 1998 Israel initiated a reduction in U.S. economic assistance from $1.2 Billion Dollars to a complete phase out in 2008
Over the same 10 year period, military aid has increased from $1.8 Billion to $2.4 Billion Dollars following a 12 year period when there were no increases, this outlay is 1/10 of 1% of the U.S. Budget. Much of the money spent in Israel directly benefits the United States with 74% of the outlay being used to purchase U.S. goods. Likewise Joint Israel & U.S. programs have led to the advancement of satellite technology which benefits the security to both the U.S. and Israel Military and saves lives.
The building of infrastructure in Israel, including the absorption of immigrants in Israel is largely made possible by private funds and the sale of Israel Bonds. Subsequent to the shelling of rockets by Islamic supported Hezbollah a year ago, over $300 Million dollars was raised privately to help reconstruct the infrastructure damaged by the Muslim extremists financed by Iran and supplied weapons from Syria.
Some large U.S. Corporations have cooperative agreements with Israel to promote joint research and development, industrial partnerships and trade, some of these companies include Microsoft, Motorola and Cisco and Intel have located major facilities in Israel. Likewise the United States utilizes economic agreements promoting peace through Qualified Industrial Zones that have been established through trilateral agreements between the United States, Israel, Egypt and Jordan.
Economic cooperation has increased between Israel and throughout the USA. In 2005 there was over $26 Billion Dollars in trade between the two nations. Freedom and Democracy provides for growth, economic expansion and prosperity. Islamic tyranny results in continued desperation and the enslavement of people.
Should the Muslim extremists stop the exportation of terrorism and begin working to stabilize their economies through cooperative economic development agreements, promoting free trade, encouraging freedom and democracy for all people, this would result in savings, investment, jobs and prosperity throughout the region.
The continuation of deceit through carefully crafted manipulation of the facts only serves to undermine freedom, prosperity and hope for our future generations.