Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Anarchy & Mob Rioting by Arab Terrorist Thugs

As the battles between Hamas and Fatah continues on the streets of Gaza with the shooting of an Hamas Physician by Fatah fighters, the murders of rival militants by tossing members of opposing factions out of 18 story windows, it is becoming clear that Arabs in Gaza are nothing more than Street Thugs.

It wasn't all that long ago that leaders of the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) who were attempting to broker peace-initiatives in the Street Thugs neighborhoods, always were well intentioned but they remained ignorant of the political and cultural differences of the Islamic Hoodlums in Gaza. Unlike the peace-loving Mennonites, the Arab Anarchist's don't share the same ideals of the liberal pacifist missionaries and wanna-be Diplomats.

In May the wanna-be Diplomats of the Mennonite Church touted the hope of peace and encouraged investment in the area to build bridges because as the peace loving idealist see it, the mean Israeli government is the obstacle for harmony and tranquility in the region.

Iranian President Ahmadinejad who has called for the destruction of Israel and who finances the terrorist organization Hamas that desires to hang the "Banner of Allah over all of Israel..." along with Khaled Mashel, the Hamas Leader that lives in Syria who has said, "...peace talks will do no good." These Men are following a determined course despite the propaganda that the "MCC Do-Gooders" may otherwise choose to believe.

Khaled Mashel born in 1956 is the Son of a Imam has lived most of his life outside of the area, at the age of 11 he was living in Kuwait and attended the University in Kuwait majoring in Physics. When Hamas was founded he was still living in Kuwait. In the 1990's he moved to Jordan where he lead the Terrorist Hamas Organization. In 1999 following the closing of Hamas offices in Jordan, Khaled Mashel was imprisoned briefly and then ordered expelled from the country. Mashel moved his family to Qatar and he left his family and moved to Damascus, Syria where he remains to this day.

As the pacifist loving Mennonites that travel to and fro praying for the hope of peace, love and harmony with the warring factions the real enemy of peace in the region is not Israel but the Arab Terrorist Thugs. These Islamic militants do not want to reside quietly with Israel, they can't even live peaceably with one another.

The real enemy of security in the region is the followers of Islam who blindly accept the twisted tales of Mahmoud who created a religion of dominance over Women, Sex, lust for power at all costs and robbing anyone to obtain money to carry on the battle another day.

Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, Founder of the Islamic Fundamentalist movement in Pakistan said, "Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by Man. Islam doesn't look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn't care about the land or who owns the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all man-kind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy."