Sunday, March 16, 2008

Iran Supported By Hidden Imam

In a gathering to commemorate the Glorious Islamic Revolution Fascist President Ahmadinejad claimed that "Iran is supported by a Hidden Imam."

According to Shia Folklore the Imam is a Messianic figure who remains in hiding. In every generation, the Hidden Imam chooses 36 Men (and for obvious reasons Women are not chosen) naming them the "owtad or nails" whose presence, hammered into mankind's existence prevents the universe from "falling off" and although the "owtad" are unknown to common mortals, it is at times possible to identify one thanks to his deeds---Ahmadinejad sees himself as one of the "nails."

Ahmadinejad believes that he has conversations with God and that God told that Iran will be victorious over the West, "...the blood of our Shahids (suicide bombers) will bring about not only liberation of Jerusalem and Karbala (Iraq) but the liberation of all mankind from the evil powers of the world; the blood of our Shahids boiled the blood of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon and they will overcome the evil of American's and Israel."

Senator Barack Obama who has no foreign policy experience in his short time in Congress has said, that there was no reason to fear the rantings of Ahmadinejad and that as President, he "...should never fear to negotiate" with an Islamic fascist madman who believes in the destruction of the United States & Israel.