Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival, Remembering 80,000+ Victims Of Beichuan, Sichuan Province

Yesterday a young woman walks past a monument in memory
of the Victims of the catastrophic 8.0 Sichuan Earthquake, Chinese Authorities have reopened Beichuan during Qingming Festival
to the former residents as part of China's Tomb Sweeping Festival

A grieving Woman burning joss sticks to mourn her relatives that perished on the 12 May, 2008

Chinese couple burning joss sticks outside the home of relatives that perished last year. Former Beichuan residents are burning joss sticks, mourning the loss of family and friends that perished last year. More than 80,000 people died during the devastating Sichuan Earthquake.

On the 24 November I wrote here that Sichuan Earthquake Survivors continue to be overwhelmed with grief. I have written numerous posts about the terrible tragedy on the 12 May, 2008 in which more than 19,000 children perished God have mercy.

Why have Chinese Authorities detained Tan Zuoren in Sichuan? Tan an independent filmaker, had been conducting research on the deaths of students who perished in collapsed buildings which was caused mainly by shoddy construction.

More here from the BBC