Wednesday, November 26, 2008

USA Selling Out Democracy?

Chintien Hall, inside a cavern at the Taiwan Military Base in Kinmen County about 1.2 miles from Xiamen, China the area outside came under heavy shelling by Communist China during the Civil War in 1949 the Hall was constructed to allow military commanders to give instructions to soldiers safely.

Taiwan is a sovereign country of 23 million people and ally of the United States however Beijing claims that Taiwan is a "renegade province" and angrily has opposed U.S. commitment to Taiwan.

V.P. elect Joe Biden has promised us Obama will be tested within
the first 6 months of his presidency, not a very reassuring prospect considering that the Obama Administration may not even realize the "generated crisis" initially, said Biden.

Obama wants to cut military spending to support his grandiose socialism in this country as China rapidly expands its military superiority to 860 ships, 60 submarines and now wants to acquire
an aircraft carrier according to Major General Quan Lihua, in an
interview published by the Financial Times of London on Monday.

Will an Obama Administration destabilize U.S. Security and jeopardize the security of our allies throughout the world? By scaling back on the U.S. military presence globally, American lives may be at risk? Peter Brookes argues that, "The World still needs America's Military might" one may be sorry if it not available.

As the U.S. economy falls deeper into recession and Washington continues to nationalize private companies, there are signs that its alliances with Japan & Taiwan are weakening says The Japan Times PRC owns $900 Billion in U.S. debt. Will an Obama Administration be willing to antagonize its major stakeholder?

Last week I wrote here that China has stepped up its espionage on the United States and President elect Obama calls "China a great nation" while telling Taiwan to negotiate away its freedom and democracy to PRC one party rule.

Has the "test" that Biden promised already begun? Freedom & Democracy are under attack, will PRC be able to expand its global influence around the world without firing a shot by simply financing our debt ?