Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sichuan Earthquake Claiming More Victims

A young girl from Beichuan County, resting, God have mercy.
She has witnessed too much for anyone, let alone such a young child.

Beichuan County, Sichuan Province before the earthquake, friends from Sichuan have written to me and have said, "it is scenic, historical, very beautiful...known as the one do not want to leave
once you come..."

Beichuan County following the catastrophic earthquake.

Reports of more tagedy are coming out of the area as suicides are rising, the Sichuan earthquake is claiming more victims. On Oct. 10 China News reported that Dong Yufei, lost his 12 year old son and other relatives in the quake, left a suicide letter and hung himself.

On the evening of November 15 a couple were found dead in their
bed after they could no longer endure the emotional anguish of that dreadful day a little more than 6 months ago.

The University of Hong Kong held a symposium last week for local
and overseas experts to discuss how to restore hope for Sichuan Earthquake Survivors. We can only hope and pray that all those who need psychological counseling and intensive therapy will find it, before the earthquake claims its next victim.