Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obama says "China is a great nation" but is silent on Taiwan Freedom and Independence

Pro Taiwan Independence Supporters march on street in Taipei
during anti China demonstrations to protest meetings between
Taiwan President Ma and China's Representative Chen Yunlin.

President Ma made history on Thursday when he became the first President of Taiwan to meet with a Senior Chinese Representative since 1949.

Civil Rights were trampled upon in Taiwan this week, freedom of speech was suppressed and the Taiwan National Flag was seized by Police---people displaying the PRC flag were left alone. Taipei Times

President elect Obama and Chinese President Hu Jianto discussed a variety of issues today during a phone conversation, during that conversation the two agreed that each would respect one another and appropriately settle sensitive issues particularly the Taiwan issue, in order to promote continued cooperation between the USA & China. Obama called "China a great nation" and China's development and success meets U.S. interests.

Earlier today I wote here that Mr. Obama has made it clear to both China and Taiwan, that he would prefer that Taiwan negotiate away
its freedom and independence for one party rule under Chinese dominance.