The decisive defeat Republicans suffered in Tuesday's election came because Conservative voters decided the party had lost its way, not because the electorate has shifted to the left, according to a survey
of swing state voters in Colorado, Florida, Ohio and Virgina that was commissioned by the American Issues Project, the group that accounted for the largest expenditures made to advocate Conservative issues during this election cycle.
"Tuesday's elections were a shellacking that the Republican brand is diluted to the point where the American people do not really know what the GOP stands for anymore," said Ed Martin, President of the American Issues Project "The clear lesson...is that while the United States remains a center right country, voters no longer trust the Republican Party to represent those interests in Washington."
John McCain voted with Barack Obama and other Democrats, nationalizing banks and mortgages that is Socialism no matter how George Bush and other left leaning Republican Liberals dice it up.
Conservatism remains the best hope for our nations future, limiting the size of big government, reducing taxes and cutting spending which provides incentives and opportunity. We need to seize the opportunity and Conservatives must take back our party from the Liberal left that highjacked our GOP and return our party to its roots of perserving the Constitution, protecting family values, taking control of our borders and supporting the readiness of our military for we realize that peace may only be preserved through strength.