Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama Finally Admits To Lying To America

After denial after denial that "...the statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity...when these statements first came to my attention it was at the beginning of my Presidential campaign..."

Today speaking in Pennsylvania, Senator Obama has admitted to lying
saying, "...Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes..."

Obama who has attended Trinity United Church of Christ for more than 20 years, sitting in the pews and listening to the bigoted messages of Jeremiah Wright weren't merely "controversial" they expressed a deep distorted image of the United States filled with anti-Semitism, intolerance and hate. I wrote here that Senator Obama stated last year, "...our faith informs are values and I think we all agree that our values inform our politics..."

Today, Senator Obama criticized Jeremiah Wright but continued to defend his "social gospel" and "long term relationship" with a bigot that he calls his Uncle.

In 2003 Jeremiah Wright said, "...God bless America, No, No, No God d--n America, that's in the Bible..." In addition to damning America, Jeremiah Wright told his congregation on the Sunday following the 9/11 Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs hijacking of airplanes and murdering thousands of innocent people, that the United States provoked Al-Qaeda.

Senator Obama continued to sit in the pews, listening to Uncle Jeremiah blaming the United States for launching the AIDS virus to maintain affluence at the expense of the third world.

Claiming now "Judgment to Lead" Senator Obama didn't possess enough good judgment to leave a racist congregation of divisiveness or enough character to tell the truth to the American people, without first lying over and over and over...