CAIR of Southern California once again is tirelessly promoting Arab propaganda and some of the imaginary news lines are old and have been debunked months ago---with a bit too much time on their hands the apologists for Islamic Jihad must have assumed since so much time has lapsed that they can dust off fairy tales.
CAIR is urging Senator Barbara Boxer, D-CA to support the Arabs in Gaza in a lame attempt to free up $150 Million Dollars in funding to support Islamic Jihad.
The Southern California Islamic Jihad apologists are once again claiming that Arabs in Gaza were just devastated by the staged fuel crisis, electricity was never shut off by Israel, Hamas shut off their own electricity.
Arab propagandists claim that Israel clamped down on Gaza after Palestinians (there is no such person as a Palestinian) launched 200 Qassam missiles into Sderot---the fact of the matter is, Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs have launched more than 4,200 Qassam missiles into Sderot.
Hamas seizes a convoy of humanitarian aid sent to Gaza. They are creators of their own crisis, if any even exists.
CAIR is a dangerous, intolerant, extremist, radical apologist for Islamic Jihad and they must be seen for what they are---Hamas propagandists, enemies of freedom and democracy.