Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Toledo Mayor Does A Berkeley Update Spokesman Suspended For Obscene Comments

Brian Schwartz, spokesman for Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner, who did a Berkeley last weekend for refusing to allow U.S. Marine warfare training exercises in Toledo because "they may frighten people" has now been suspended following an off the air comment to a Producer for WJR Radio in Detroit when asked about the Mayor's Order.

Toledo City Council Member Mike Craig sent me an e-mail on Monday and said of the Mayor's decision last week, "Having a Son in the active military, I must tell you that I found the Mayors actions on Friday, February 8 particularly disturbing...The Mayor brought shame and derision on the City...I along with the other Councilmen have written a resolution voicing our regret and apologizing for the Mayor's actions. I would like everyone to know that in a web poll over 90% of Northwest Ohioans disagreed with the Mayor's actions..."

The Cowardly Mayor and his staff in the Sister City of Berkeley, CA that cower when Marine Reservists show up for training must think by using vulgarity they are reasserting their masculinity?