Friday, January 4, 2008

Obama Arrives In New Hampshire

Senator Barack Obama who finished first in Iowa yesterday, arrived into New Hampshire promising Democrats that if he is elected President that he intends to cut and run from Iraq bringing home military forces.

Violence in Iraq has decreased 60% according to Major General Rick Lynch, Commander of U.S. Forces south of Baghdad, "...the country is notably calmer than it was at the same time last year..."

The reduction in violence has been attributed to the increase in troop strength and a cease fire declared last August by Shiite Cleric Muqtada al-Sadar and the work of Sunni tribal groups that turned against Al-Qaida last year.

Obama a freshman Senator from Illinois panders to his base promising supporters that " 4 days you can say we are choosing hope over fear, unity over division and sending a powerful message that a change is coming to Washington and a change is coming to America..."

In New Hampshire, Senator Obama is trailing Senator Clinton according to the last Zogby Poll taken on December 31---Hillary Clinton lead includes strong support among Women where she wins 39% compared to 25% support for Senator Obama. Among men their both in a statistical tie. Among likely Democratic voters, Senator Clinton's lead widens with 36% support compared to 22% for Senator Obama.

Among Independent voters, 40% said they would be supporting Democrats while the remaining 60% intended to vote Republican---Senator John McCain currently was leading in New Hampshire, followed by Governor Romney.