Thursday, December 13, 2007

Democrats Blame Each Other For Failures In Their Do Nothing Congress But Promising Miracles If Elected To White House In 2008

Democrats took control of both Houses of Congress this year and expected their triumph would guarantee them a victory in next years Presidential race but now the Democrats who can't govern have begun blaming themselves for their poor performance.

Rep. Charles Rangel, D-NY has accused his Leadership in Congress of developing the Stockholm Syndrome for the mess that his party has made of their ambitious agenda just 12 months ago. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV has taken to the Senate Floor criticizing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA "iron-hand style of governance"

House Appropriations Chairman, David Obey, D-WI
tells Roll Call, a newspaper that covers Congress, that the Democrats are selling out as Senate Democrats fire back at the statement accusing the House of sending over legislation that can never pass.

As the Democrats blame each other in the present day Do Nothing Congress, on the campaign trail a top Hillary Clinton Campaign Official in New Hampshire has raised Barack Obama's admission of past drug use as an obstacle for Democrats in next years general election---of course when Bill Clinton admitted that he experimented with marijuana "...but never inhaled..." Clinton campaign staffers wanted the voters to over look Bill Clinton's indiscretions.

Senator Barack Obama frequently has criticized colleague Hillary Clinton for not having enough confidence in the American people in 1993 when she attempted to develop a national health care plan behind closed doors.

During every Presidential Campaign the media seems to fall all over themselves when a fresh face emerges during the campaign this year its Barack Obama, these candidates though don't win elections, Gary Hart, Paul Tsongas, John Anderson and Geraldine Ferraro could not rally Women to support Walter Mondale who was defeated in a landslide in 1984 Voters want to elect someone that agrees with them.

Democrats that can't govern their own Houses of Congress now are trying hard to convince the American people that if elected to the White House they somehow will miraculously be able to prove themselves effective.