Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ahmadinejad: "...there is no going back..."

Iranian President Ahmadinejad, attracted attention on Monday when he claimed that his technical education and belief in Allah helped him rule out any possibility that Iran would be attacked.

Ahmadinejad told academics in Iran that he has been encouraged to compromise over Iran's Nuclear programs but the Iranian President said, "...I am an Engineer , for hours I write down hypothesis, reject them and make plans based on calculations..." Intl. Hearld Tribune, 9-3-2007

"The Islamic Republic of Iran from the beginning of it's Nuclear program stated that there will be no going back...we placed a step forward and they issued a resolution, even if they issued another resolution, we would have still step another step forward but they understand that they can never prevent the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian nation." ISNA, 9-2-2007

During Ahmadinejad World Without Zionism Conference, the Iranian President said, "...As the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini said, Israel must be wiped off the map..." Ahmadinejad has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel.

In April, President Ahmadinejad said, "The Zionist regime is a dried up and rotten tree which will be annihilated in one storm." Sydney Morning Hearld, 4-15-2006

Ahmadinejad has likewise claimed that Iran only has plans for a peaceful nuclear program ????

Patrick Poole writes, "...when (Ahmmadinejad) says that Iran's nuclear development program are peaceful, he really means it. He has in mind the universal Islamic peace that will be established by the return of the Mahdi and if rivers of infidels blood have to be shed to accomplish it, his religious faith leads him to understand that such is part of the divine plan..." Front Page Magazine, 8-17-2006

On Sunday, Ahmadinejad announced that Iran has developed 3,000 centifuges, this would be enough material for Iran to make a bomb in less than a year.

The USA Today.com (Tabloid Headline News) is reporting that former President Rafsanjani, who lost to Ahmadinjad in 2005 was elected today to Head-- Iran's Assembly of Experts, the 86 member body of Shiite Muslim Clerics that appoints the Supreme Religious Leader. According to the Tabloid Headline News, "Iran Shake-Up a set back for hard line leader."

Exactly in what way? 6 years ago it was Rafsanjani that said, "...that a Muslim state that developed a nuclear weapon might use it to destroy Israel." BBC News, 10-27-2005

Islamic Fascism is a serious threat to peace and security of the United States and our best friend in the middle east Israel.