University President Amy Gutmann seen here is posing with a student dressed as an Islamic Terrorist Suicide Bomber, in other photos the student is seen just before doing mock executions.
This behavior is outrageous and the University of Pennsylvania should have fired Dr. Amy Gutmann soon after these pictures surfaced. According to the University of Pennsylvania web-site, Dr. Gutmann in 2005 was appointed to the "National Security Higher Education Advisory Board" a committee that advises the FBI on National Security issues involving academia.
In a Scholarly Article written by Dr. Gutmann this year entitled "The Lure and Dangers of Extremists Rhetoric" she states, "...extremist rhetoric is not, in and of itself, morally bad. Some extremist rhetoric is entertaining..."
I am sure the Families and Friends who lost loved ones on 9/11 in NYC, Washington or aboard United Flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania do not share Amy Gutmann's views that "...Some extremist rhetoric is entertaining..."
What is the Dept. of Justice thinking when it permits its FBI Agents to be advised on National Security Issues by wacko educators like Amy Gutmann? Why hasn't she been fired?