On this day in history in the Clinton Administration stopped focusing on Islamic Terrorism to instead focus on Domestic Terrorism, which led to the FBI ignoring Muslims enrolling in U.S. Flight Schools learning how to fly airplanes, uninterested though in how to land them.
The FBI said the shift was swift and that the Agency ignored evidence boxes gathered following the 1993 WTC Bombing, the boxes contained important evidence of Al-Qaida's network which remained unopened until after September 11
The alleged mastermind of the 9/11 Attacks Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is accused of conspiring with Ramzi Yousef in the first bombing of the WTC in 1993 which resulted in 6 deaths and over 1,000 injuries.
Former Clinton Administration officials said, "...the FBI's counter-terrorism shift was a result of Waco, Oklahoma City and the Atlantic Park Bombing..."
Those Domestic Terrorists were all unconnected, unlike the Islamic Fascists that are at war with the United States and during the years prior to September 11 were responsible for increased attacks on targets such as: Pan Am 103 on 21 December, 1988; WTC Attack in 1993; bombings at U.S. Military installations in Saudi Arabia in 1995 and 1996; U.S. Embassy Bombing in Africa in 1998; USS Cole Bombing in 2000; While Domestic Terrorism had stopped, foreign terrorism against Americans continued.
The Clinton Administration chose to ignore Islamic Terrorists threats against the United States resulting in the culmination of the events of September 11 a second attack on the WTC resulting in the loss of over 2750 innocent people and multiple other deaths in Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon.