Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Liberals Silent on Muslim Indoctrination in Public Schools
Liberals and their ACLU friends that have long battled to keep God out of Public Schools remain silent that Islam is being promoted and taught to students in tax-payer supported classrooms.
As Christian Nativity Scenes are outlawed and Christmas programs come under an annual attack, Islam is being taught in the public schools. U.S. Dist. Ct. Judge Phyllis Hamilton (USDC, Northern Dist. CA) approved the teaching of Islam at the Byorn California Union School District, where children learn to become Muslim, recite the Quran, fast for Ramadan and pray to Allah. While the 10 Commandments are out, Islam is now in.
At the University of Michigan, plans are being made to spend $25,000.00 to install two foot washing baths for Muslims. The ACLU believes that there is no constitutional reason why tax-payer dollars should not be used to fund this accommodation.
At Carver Elementary School in San Diego, students are provided a 15 minute break each afternoon at what is traditionally Muslim prayer time. While federal law has permitted students to engage in activities during non-instructional times, in this case extra time is being allotted to students for a specific religion and favoring one religion over another.
In Del Mar Union School District in San Diego, reading a Christmas story to 4th grade students was banned and Teachers were prohibited from wearing jewelry with a Christmas theme.
While Johnny and Susie may find reading and writing challenging and may not sing Christmas carols or participate in Christmas programs, they will at least now be able to recite the Quran and pray to Allah.