Disabled Children in China, are being abducted at train stations, bus stops and from the side of the road by human traders and forced out into the street to beg or sold for 500 Yuan and forced into slave labor to work 16 hours a day in factories, coal mines or building bricks according to Tony Cheng.
Children are being brutalized and forced to live like animals with long unwashed hair, working with injuries to the feet and hands and totally isolated from all contact with the outside world for years. When some children have attempted to escape from their captors, they are tortured and burned with hot searing irons to their back and are forced to return to work without receiving any medical care. Some children incapable of working are buried alive.
The children bodies are covered with scabs and the children are sick from not being able to shower or bathe. These children from Sichuan and Hebei, have been lost into slavery in Shanxi Provience and the local Police turn a blind eye to the human sufferings, being paid bribes to ignore the cries and abuses of children. A YouTube Video evidencing the human suffering will be forwarded to anyone upon request, send your inquiries to: Cristy@iflylax.com
Children such as Gao Zhou do not have the use of her legs and forced to move around on a skateboard. Yang Ping, born with a curved spine which forces her to walk like a spider was kidnapped from her family and forced on to the street to beg, some days earning only 20 Yuan ($1.00 USD= 8 Yuan) and is then beaten at night for not earning enough money for her captors.