Wednesday, January 21, 2009

USA Media Disinformation---Accuse China Of Censoring Obama's Inauguration Speech


MSM outlets in the USA including some politically conservative sites such as have accused the Chinese Government of censoring President Obama's Inauguration Speech.

CBS News says, China Reacts To Obama By Censoring Speech

The fact of the matter is, the full text of President Obama's Inaugural Speech including the words, "...Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism, not just with missiles and tanks but with sturdy alliances and enduring convictions..." was published in
it's entirety by the official Chinese News Agency.

The parts which the MSM and other news organizations claim were deleted by the Chinese censors may be found here from China Daily

Full Text of President Obama's Inaugural Speech at China Daily

Update: I received a comment that it was not possible to confirm this story because most people in the USA don't read Chinese and the English editions have different print.

In my reply I said, Well Yes and No...CCTV did censor---talk over Obama when he came to the "controversial" part, an anchor asked a news analyst about U.S. economic problems. China Daily was the first to publish the entire text of the Obama inaugural speech uncensored in their newspaper.

So to be fair, China Daily did in-fact print in its newspaper in China,
the full uncensored text of the Obama speech and the MSM has failed to point out this fact to its readers.