Sunday, January 4, 2009

U.S. Thwarts Efforts By Arab Countries To Condemn Israel For Defending Itself

Via Ynet News Israel

The United States blocked an attempt by the U.N. Security Council on a draft resolution condemning Israel military operations in Gaza.

The Libyan ceasefire proposal called for an immediate end to hostilities. Libyan Terrorist Thug Muammar al Qaddafi has a lot of blood on his hands and lacks the moral credibility to condemn
anyone let alone Israel.

Libyan Terrorist Thugs placed a bomb aboard Pan Am 103 on the
21 December, 1988 which blew up over Locerbie, Scotland murdering
269 innocent people and Andrea Rosenthal.

Why didn't the U.N. demand that the Islamic Jihadist Terrorist Thugs stop firing rockets into Israel ?

Yesterday I wrote here that Hamas which is financially supported by Fascist Iran, fired more than 3,000 rockets and mortars indiscriminately into Israel in 2008

Where was the moral outrage against Islamic Jihadist Terrorist Thugs, raining missiles down upon Israel ?