Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Successful Operation Of Government? Where Would We Be Without Bureaucracy?

To be perfectly honest I have been putting off visiting the Department of Motor Vehicles because I just knew that the Bureaucrats employed there would take no initiative and they did not to surprise me---they behaved exactly as expected.

Its been said that Bureaucrats "have to make their job last" and
without disappointment, that is one thing that they do really well.

One should admire them---the one place where one can find employment, without any expectations put upon their employees. Without bureaucracy there undoubtedly would be higher rates of unemployment, heaven forbid that these souls would have to find employment in the private sector.

It really doesn't take rocket science to take initiative but my Lord G-d Almighty, if some bureaucrat actually had to stop, think and reason---it could actually save the tax-payers money. Without a sense of moral duty and responsibility should society ever expect more?

In order to correct an item, for what one would otherwise assume to be a simple function of government, I am going to have to go to another tax-payer supported authority, pay additional fees and costs to obtain an item from them, only to return to the DMV where I was at today, pay an additional fee for government to function and do its job correctly.

Is this a good expenditure of time or money?

Red Tape really is a life sucker, filing some item---which often requires finding other documents, paying additional and unreasonable fees to obtain another item, to be able to move forward with permission from government.

There must be a more cost efficient way to operate government and obtain services but of course that too would be logical and take initiative on someones part, heaven forbid if government dares to operate effective and business like.

More here from Cobbers.org