Friday, January 2, 2009

Obama & Pelosi To Focus On New And Improved Economic Socialst Stimulus Package

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA plans to have a new and improved $1 Trillion Dollar deficit spending package together with higher taxes awaiting for "The One" on January 20 which will impact every American. So much for the promises of tax cuts.

Tax and Spend Liberals will meet early next week to discuss the largest spending plan in the nations history, providing law makers a mere week to review the legislation before sending it to the floor for a vote.

"The One" has made Socialism--- government transfer of money his highest priority, creating 3 million new jobs over the next two years. Last month I wrote here Obama plans new WPA

To sell his latest government transference of wealth, Obama plans
a huge marketing blitz to seal the deal, convincing Americans that capitalism is a dismal failure and that Socialism is the savior of everything good.