Wednesday, January 7, 2009

China Tainted Milk Disaster Widens

A 2 month old died in Zhejiang Province on Sunday after drinking Yashii Powdered Milk---the dairy maker claimed that the product was safe.

Junjie Li family, blamed the death of their child on the powdered
milk group. On January 3, the family purchased a pack of Yashii at a Supermarket and fed their baby. The child began to vomit and soon developed diarrhea and was sent to a hospital the following morning. Chinese Authorities have opened an investigation into the case.

Photos from September, the Maternity & Child Care Ward in Baoji, Shaanxi had been packed by anxious parents, who brought their children to be seen and tested due to the powdered milk crisis.

An informational poster for parents whose children were potentially harmed by the Sanlu Milk Incident, outlining general procedures and guidelines.

People were waiting in line for hours everyday to be seen and some of the parents traveled great distances.

More here about the Sanlu Tainted Milk Disaster in Baoji