Saturday, December 27, 2008

Fascist Iran Martyrs Christian's, Ahmadinejad Left That Part Out In His Televised Rant

Iranian Fascist President Ahmadinejad, delivering his Christmas message to the world about the dangers of Israel & United States.

Viewers heard Ahmadinejad rant "...if Christ were alive today, He would stand in opposition to the war mongers, occupiers, terrorists and bullies...If Christ were on earth today, He would hoist the banner of justice and love for humanity..."

Previously this Iranian fascist has promised to "wipe Israel off the map in a single storm."

Eighteen years ago Rashin Soodmand's father was hanged for converting to Christianity in Iran---today her brother is in Jail in Iran and expects to be executed for the same thing.

Iran's Parliament approved a new Iranian penal code which provides for the death penalty of any Iranian male who leaves his Islamic faith.

Rest here from Eye on the World