Thursday, November 6, 2008

Setting Forth The Democratic Agenda

SFGate Politics Blog: Will Pelosi "run circles" around Obama?

Obama won the Presidency now the real work begins. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, et. al. will set the agenda for "The One" they know he is naive with a mere 143 days of experience in the Congress, the Dems in the Legislative will control the Executive and if Obama doesn't go along, they will destroy his Presidency--then all of the crazed Obamaniacs will know their Messiah
, is actually mortal.

Obama's new Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel will control the White House--the manipulation has already begun.

Former Clinton Aide Dick Morris told Bill O'Reilly last night on Emanuel, "...its a horrible choice. First of all he is the sharpest most aggressive partisan in the Democratic party. He is more partisan than Rove is a Republican....Secondly he's always been far more interested in Rahm Emanuel than in the fate of the President he serves...I think Obama is going to find out that he has a chief of staff far more loyal to Washington and his journalistic sources than to the President..."

What's Obama to do? He will go along, he has no choice if he wants to be seen accomplishing anything of substance, otherwise he is doomed to failure and all of his platitudes while saying nothing will be seen for what they are.