Friday, November 7, 2008

Barack Obama's Uncle Jeremiah Complains That He Is A Victim Of Media Exploitation

Jeremiah Wright has complained yesterday, that the media exploited him and used him as a weapon of mass destruction in an attempt to derail "The One" during his campaign for President.

On March 02, 2007 Sean Hannity interviewed Jeremiah Wright on
FOX News the text of the interview may be found here
Obama's minister espoused Black Liberation Theology.

What is Black Liberation Theology? Anthony Bradley, Ph.D.
a Research Fellow at the Acton Institute and Assistant Professor of Apologetics & Systematic Theology at the Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis writes, on April 2, 2008 that Black Liberation Theology is founded on Marxism and "... encourages a victim mentality among blacks..."

"Reducing black identity to "victimhood" distorts the reality of true progress. For example, was Obama a victim of widespread racial oppression at the hand of "rich white people" before graduating from Columbia Univiersity, Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, or after he acquired his estimated net worth of $1.3 Million Dollars? How did "rich white people" keep Obama from succeeding?"

Rest here from Acton Institute