Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Judgment To Lead? Why has Obama Chosen Rahm Emanuel To Be His Chief Of Staff ?

Rahm Emanuel may be smart, a tough partisan, aggressive, vulgar, impatient and he is also a liar---who is "The One" surrounding himself with now?

At the height of the Mark Foley sex scandal in October, 2006 Democrats were beating the drums that Rep. Denny Hastert, R-IL had taken no action regarding disgraced Florida Congressman Mark Foley.

While events were unfolding, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-IL appeared on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" and Lied.

Glenn Greenwald has the full account here "Did Rahm Emanuel lie about his knowledge of Mark Foley? Yes."

The White House Chief of Staff sets the tone for the Administration and shapes the President's decision making. Obama is in need of someone that will lead him to make decisions because he has been unwilling or unable to make difficult choices. Emanuel must be able to perform his duties with integrity and honesty, unfortunately its been challenging for him to do either.

Barack Obama campaigned on his "Judgment to Lead" so far
his track record of picking his friends and advisers, calls into
doubt his judgments and ability.

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