Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Obama Senior Advisor Expects Cabinet Position In A Democrat Administration

Former Senator Tom Daschle, D-SD pictured here with his left hand over his heart, says that he is open with a post in an Obama Administration, "...I want to be helpful in anyway I can but its way too early to make predictions on any role I may play."

An early endorser of Senator Obama, Daschle has served as a Senior Advisor to the Barry Obama Campaign.

Subsequent to Obama's post Biden announcement Obama received no bounce and in the latest Rasmussen Poll Obama has a slim lead of
5 points nationally 48% to 43%

Today campaigning in Ohio Barry Obama continued to deluge voters with platitudes without detail, criticizing Senator McCain but offering no particulars of anything substantive.

A new poll released today shows that Obama & McCain are in a
dead heat in Ohio, a key swing state which may determine the
2008 Presidential race.