Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Obama & Bush Agree Importance Of Maintaining The Status-Quo Between China And Taiwan

Barack Hussein Obama often times says that electing John McCain as President will assure a third term of the Bush Administration---this isn't quite true, what are the facts?

Senator Obama actually aligns himself with the Bush Administration when it comes to a policy of appeasement towards Beijing in order to maintain the status-quo between China & Taiwan, while Senator McCain is more openly pro-Taiwan.

Photos of the Freedom Plaza Democracy Hall, Taipei City, Taiwan.

Taiwan is entitled to U.N. Membership with a population of over 23 Million, a democratically elected government and jurisdiction over the islands of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, it has diplomatic ties with 23 U.N. Members and 1 observer. China though continues to obstruct membership into the U.N. which refuses to hold any open and fair debates.

Senator Obama wants to continue to deprive Taiwan the right to participate and contribute to the work of the U.N. which infringes on the basic human rights of the 23 million people of Taiwan.

Sign online petition Support UN Membership For Taiwan