Thursday, June 12, 2008

Obama Audacity & Inexperience

Senator Barry Obama claims he "is going to bring change to Washington" and often says that he doesn't accept money from Lobbyists or Political Action Committee's but Senator Obama, is a Member of the Congressional Black Caucus and his wife Michelle, is a Member of the Congressional Black Caucus Spouses.

Senator Obama has played down any relationship he has with Lobbyists, however research by Majority showed the Congressional Black Caucus Spouses, held a fundraising golf tournament on June 24-25, 2007 soliciting contributions of up to $80,000 from Washington Lobbyists for its annual golf tournament.

More here from Majority Accountability Project

After 20 years attending Black Separatist Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama finally saw the light and resigned his membership, his "Judgment" never questioned it's in house magazine or visiting Clergy such as Louis Farrakahn, that are anti-Semitic and un-American. Can the United States afford to elect a President who can't recognize anti-Americanism? Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online

A new Rasmussen Poll seems to suggest that Barack Obama's inexperience is a greater liability than Senator McCain's age. Democrats have made much of the "Age Issue" but the bigger issue just may be Obama's lack of any real record to go along with his condescending rhetoric.

Will bitter American's that "cling to their guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them" elect an inexperienced, elitist liberal candidate with a leftist agenda and long term associations with anti-American radicals such as Jeremiah Wright, Michael Pfleger, William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn ?