Monday, June 23, 2008

Dumb-O-Crats Energy Plan

Rep. Kathy Castor, D-FL criticized both President Bush and Senator McCain for calling to end the prohibition of off shore oil drilling.

Fred Barnes argues that "Democratic energy policies ignore reality and are Running on Empty. "...Advances in oil technology--which Obama doesn't know about or chooses to ignore--allow drilling to go deeper beneath the sea and thus farther from the coast. Some oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico are nearly 200 miles from land. Serious spills from drilling off shore have become practically non-existent. More than 100 rigs in the Gulf were damaged by Hurricanes Katrina & Rita, without a single spill...House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA said that the Democratic Congress is moving America in a new direction for energy independence but preserving the ban on offshore drilling isn't new..."

Senator John McCain wants to also build 45 new nuclear reactors by 2030 while Senator Barry Obama wants to raise taxes. Who pays corporate taxes? You do in higher costs for good and services. Yesterday I wrote here Barry wants you to pay more money to strengthen government oversight of energy traders.

Sounds like more of the same old rhetoric, raise taxes, spend money and create a new federal bureaucracy.