Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Iran Testing Advanced Centifuges

Iranian fascist President Ahmadinejad has said that Iran is now testing new technology found to work 5 times faster and that 6,000 new centifuges are being used in the enrichment of uranium. Seen here, Ahmadinejad is touring the nuclear research facility at the Natanz nuclear plant.

Speaking yesterday Ahmadinejad said, "...the Iranian nation will bloody the enemies nose..." as the crowd chanted "Death to America."

Two years ago, Ahmadinejad threatened Israel with a nuclear attack when he described it as a "rotten dried tree" that would be annihilated by "one storm." This year, Iranian Presidential Thug once again threatened Israel's destruction saying, "the countdown has begun."

On Tuesday, inexperienced and naive Democratic Presidential Candidate Barry Obama said that the United States should negotiate with the fascist Islamic terrorist Ahmadinejad.