Friday, March 28, 2008

Obama's False Portrayal Of Jeremiah Wright

In his speech "A More Perfect Union" on March 18, Senator Obama said, "...For the Men and Women of Reverend Wright's generation, the memories of humiliation and doubt and fear have not gone away, nor has the anger and the bitterness of those years..."

What exactly does Jeremiah Wright remember that was so "humiliating" in his early childhood that causes such "anger and bitterness" during his formidable years?

Jeremiah Wright Raised In Privilege Not Poverty by Marty Peretz writes, "...I know where he used to live---in a tree lined neighborhood of large stone houses in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. This is a lovely neighborhood to this day. Moreover, Rev. Wright's father was a prominent Pastor and his Mother was a Teacher and later Vice Principal and disciplinarian of the Philadelphia High School for Girls, also a distinguished academic high school...In short, Rev. Wright had a comfortable upper middle class upbringing. It was hardly the scene of poverty and indignity suggested by Senator Obama, to explain what he calls Wright's anger and what I describe as his hatred."

Barry Obama has attempted to portray his Pastor of 20 years as a man that bears the scars of racism. Senator Obama stayed at Trinity United Church of God because he liked the racist rant, that his adopted Uncle Jeremiah was ministering.