Monday, March 17, 2008

Cindy Sheehan Apologizes For Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright

Congressional Candidate Cindy Sheehan is now joining the Flaming Lying Lunatic and other far left loony liberal apologists for Barry Obama & Jeremiah Wright, attempting to explain away the racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic rant of intolerance and abuse of Women.

"I sit here behind my computer screen (many of us have to sit in front of ours) in solidarity with Rev. Wright...Not only do I not denounce him but I support him..." says Sheehan in her article 'Chickens of our own making' March 15, 2008

Once wiser than I had said, "You can Judge a Man's character by the friends he has"

"...And then I've got to give a special shout out to my Pastor, the guy that puts up with me, counsels me...he's a friend and a great leader..." Senator Barack Obama describing Rev. Jeremiah Wright at 1:07 in this video which has not received much attention from June 5, 2007

Obama Change---that We Can Believe In. Oh My!