Friday, February 15, 2008

Fort Lauderdale To Host CAIR

Numerous Members of Congress have pledged themselves to the Council on American Islamic Relations singing their praises. This Islamic advocacy group which helps to bank roll Hamas from the United States, will be guests of the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Saturday, March 01

Yesterday it was reported that CAIR announced that it will be conducting a year long seminar in Sharia Law, "...the course is designed to appeal to Muslim's and train them in methods thought beneficial to the spreading of Islam."

CAIR is a dangerous, intolerant, extremist Islamic Jihad organization which must be seen for what they are, enemies of freedom. CAIR will often times use simple minded minions such as the Flaming Lying Lunatic, attempting to stifle free speech and silence their critics.

The good people of Florida need to know who soon will be arriving.