Yesterday's loss in New Hampshire may signal the beginning of the end for the campaign---being unable to pull off a victory where Romney has spent millions.
Linda Fowler, a Dartmouth College Political Scientist said, "...people don't know where this guy is, who he is and what he believes....he has an authenticity problem..." Boston.com January 9, 2008
Romney is seen to many as a flip-flopper on issues such as Abortion and Gun Rights, he had picked up on the Change Theme in recent days attempting to convince voters that he is a problem solver---Massachusetts which borders New Hampshire was seen by many as a Must Win State for the former Governor who has spent $45 Million Dollars nationwide by the end of the 3rd quarter 2007 and $17 Million of his own personal fortune which has been estimated to be between $190 to $250 Million Dollars. Romney has the money to campaign but one needs to begin making some serious decisions when victory is elusive in their own backyard. The former Governor said yesterday that he intends to stay in the race at least through Super Tuesday.
Michigan will hold the next Republican Primary on January 15 Romney's father was a 3 term Governor from Michigan and that may be his last best hope to make a come back.
South Carolina will hold its Primary on January 19 the same day of the Nevada caucus. Florida's Primary is on January 29 and then Super Tuesday on February 5 when 19 States including California, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey will hold their Primaries.
Republican Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani strategy had expected a mess being created in the early Primaries and has focused on Florida and the Super Tuesday states. An early departure by Governor Romney may demonstrate that America's Mayor was correct.
Rudy Giuliani, a solid candidate with executive level experience, socially conservative, pro- Israel and strong on foreign policy is a main stream candidate that can challenge any Democrat and win in November.