Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Apologists Babbling Promoting Themselves

Quirky Apologists for CAIR have conditioned themselves to immediately lash out against anyone who may challenge their Islamists propaganda, unable to manufacture a valid argument in defense of their position, they soon begin babbling about victimhood.

CAIR's victim mentality resonates with American Muslims as CAIR apologists actively solicit Victim's of perceived hate mongering, public harassment, airport profiling or loathsome stares. Encouraging victimhood increases the apologists perceived influence. Victim's need a voice for their own protection and of course are encouraged to run to CAIR or other sites that hold themselves out to be the watch bearers against injustices.

One such example is Hatewatch Hall of Shame, the apologist for CAIR, claiming to be the champion for Victims that may have suffered pain as a result of online hate speech, hate mongering, discrimination, bigotry or bias. Calling all Victims, please forward an e-mail to the Reverend Jim Sutter and send him a full report of your perceived injustices and bigotry.

What good will it do? Likely nothing but the perceived Victim will be able to vent their frustrations to a sympathetic ear who promises to "...provide this information to help the public understand who we are dealing with..." spotlighting the hate mongers and racists. (Translation--to republish real or imagined claims of bigotry and racism)

Who are the hate mongers and racists? I have been accused of hate mongering and racism because I write at Townhall which according to Reverend Jim Sutter, is an identified Hate Site (Bigots Desperately Seek Distraction, Hatewatch Hall of Shame--Aug. 10, 2007)

Likewise Michelle Malkin & Robert Spencer were identified by name in Reverend Jim Sutter's Hatewatch Hall of Shame site which purports to be "exposing, exploring, educating and eliminating hatred and extremism in all forms." (Update on Raising Money for Free Attorneys--Sept. 03, 2007)

It is quite remarkable that whoever challenges an apologist claims, one is quickly labeled as being a Dreg by the self proclaimed champion of civil liberties, promoter of equal rights, defender of truth and keeper of the flame.

Reverend Jim Sutter made new allegations about Robert Spencer along with Pastor Ernie Sanders (The Spencer-Sanders Comedy Show, Hatewatch Hall of Shame, Sept. 04, 2007)