Monday, August 13, 2007

Remembering Golda Meir

Golda (Mabovitz) Meir would have celebrated her 109th birthday on May 03 had we been so fortunate to still have this wonderful woman in our world today. Born in Kiev, Russia she immigrated to Wisconsin in 1906 and married Morris Meyerson in 1917

A graduate of "Milwaukee Teachers College" her family packed up their belongings and moved to Israel in 1921 later adopting the name "Meir--which means to Burn Brightly."

In 1948 Golda Meir signed the proclamation which created the State of Israel in 1948, serving in the Knesset and later became the Prime Minister for the State of Israel in 1969 until 1974

A coffee drinker, Golda drank no less than 12 cups of coffee a day and together with the coffee, she was a chain smoker. She was reportedly advised by her doctors about the risks of smoking and replied, "...young I won't be when I die."

Former Labor Party General-Secretary Lova Eliav said that Golda was always busy working in her kitchen with the talk of the state of affairs of Israel, " was a mark of honor to be invited to meetings in Golda's kitchen. It showed that you were important..." said Lova Eliav, "...she was an excellent baker. We all loved the once a week ritual. There were people there from our Ministers' forums and from "our Allies forum" and she would serve her guests coffee and cheesecake or apple strudel. She flat out refused any kind of help, it would have insulted her."

In 1972 officials of the Mapam Party publicly complained that they were being excluded from "Golda's Kitchen Cabinet" meetings, Golda Meir in an interview the next day said, "there is a limit to the number of people my kitchen will hold."

Golda prepared her own breakfast's consisting of coffee or tea, bread with cheese and a little honey. She didn't cook much as she didn't have time but whenever traveled to the United States always picked up the latest in utensils. Once a week Golda Meir prepared Gefilte fish and took it with her when she visited with her daughter and grandson.

While in Washington during a visit a reporter asked Prime Minister Meir, "...your seven year old grandson Gideon says that you make the best Gefilte fish in the whole about giving us your recipe?" Golda Meir smiled and replied, "My grandson is not so objective about his grandmother, nor am I about him." (She didn't gave up her recipe)

Golda Meir was an Amazing Woman that Israel and the world will always be beholden to.