Monday, June 4, 2007

Fantasy Meets Reality

The world may rest better now that the Iranian President has just been misunderstood and that despite Ahmadinejad's threats on Sunday that the world would soon witness the destruction of Israel----he really didn't mean what he has said? Of course if you believe that, I have some really fine swamp land to sell you and you can't go wrong, it is just what you have been looking for.

Subsequent to the meeting last year between Leaders of the 'Mennonite Central Committee' and President Ahmadinejad during his visit to New York City, the hopeful religious group left convinced that Iran is seeking peaceful co-existence with its neighbors and the world.

On the eve of the 40th Anniversary of the preemptive 6 Day War launched by Israel on June 5, 1967 which had secured a fragile country into a nation that can never be defeated, the truth has escaped Iranian President Ahmadinejad who while attempting to re-write history in his denials of the Holocaust, doesn't remember that Israel was victorious four decades ago, changing the course of history for the better.

The history revisionist Ahmadinejad who the Mennonite peace-makers group found to be such an affable gentleman, left convinced that their good will trip somehow had made a difference to global peace and security and that they have found a new friend and partner in peace.

Unfortunately the Iranian President was not exactly honest with the wannabe diplomats as Iranian President Ahmadinejad is boasting to the world of the secret deal with North Korea to purchase "Taep'o-dong-2" Ballistic Missiles which have an estimated range of between 3500-4000 kilometers (2174-2485 miles) Kim Hyong brought the final proposition to Iran when visiting Tehran during the first week of May. Delivery of the Ballistic Missiles to Iran are promised for late July or early August.

A Ballistic Missile follows a sub-orbital flight path which delivers a war head to a predetermined target, it has no other purpose.

While President Ahmadinejad had the ability to make believers of the 'Good Will Propagators' that Iran only wants to live peaceably with it's neighbors, Fantasy has been introduced to Reality today.