Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Facebook Bans Nursing Mother's Photos

Via Mercury News

The online social network Facebook has raised a new controversy banning photos of Mother's breastfeeding their children as obscene---many friends share pictures with one another and their is nothing pornographic or prurient about a nursing mother.

Facebook is a private corporation licensed, existing and they're headquartered in the State of California, do users of Facebook have any legal recourse as a result of the online social network actions?

While Facebook is not preventing a mother from nursing her child are the images protected by existing law? A summary of state laws in the United States.

What should have been objectionable to Facebook was, on the 19th December, I wrote here that Facebook welcomed 9/11 Mastermind Islamic Jihadist Terrorist Thug to its social networking site.

A law professor taught me years ago, "anyone can sue anybody for anything" and undoubtedly the Court's will be addressing this controversy.

While Facebook has the right to set limits as to inappropriate content, the online social network giant needs to more clearly define those limits. The image of a nursing Mother on an individuals site pales in comparison to the site and image of a wanted fugitive responsible for mass murder.

More here from Rueters UK