John G. Adam has an excellent post about Taiwan & Israel drawing comparisons of two small democracies and allies of the United States, facing serious threats from totalitarian ideologies, both would be sacrificed by a second term of Jimmy Carter in the White House.
Yesterday I wrote here "U.S. Senator and Democratic V.P. hopeful
Joe Biden told Israel officials that sooner or later they would have to accept a nuclear armed Iran...Biden rejected military action against Iran..." to defend Israel.
In May President Bush spoke to the Israel Knesset while celebrating the 60th Anniversary of shared convictions for "...democracy as the only way to ensure human rights."
Subsequent to the address, President Bush's speech drew angry protests from the Dinosaur media, Congressional Democrats and Barack Hussein Obama, who believed that President Bush was referring to him, even though Obama's name was never mentioned. President Bush said, "...Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before as Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American Senator said, "Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler..." we have an obligation to call this what it is---the false comfort of appeasement..."
Obama/Biden have rejected military action to defend our ally Israel from radical Islamic Fascism, just as Democratic V.P. hopeful
Joe Biden, rejected defending our ally Taiwan from totalitarian enslavement.
My Grandmother used to say, "a friend in need is a friend indeed." Obama/Biden are not friends of our allies but instead will feed
Taiwan & Israel to the sharks.