Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Promising Change But For What?

Senator Barack Obama, the two year Senator from Illinois is Promising Change But For What? Changes for the Good or Changes for the Bad? Promising to Cut & Run from Iraq is not change but the same old rhetoric that Americans have heard from many Liberal Democrats.

Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is devoid of foreign policy experience---promising to negotiate with a fascist Islamic despot such as Iranian President Ahmadinejad, speaks volumes of the novice first term Senator.

A friend of mine near Chicago has written to me that, "Obama is a good guy..." all right but why? Why are Americans so ready to elect less than half of a first term Senator from Illinois without knowing anything about his positions on anything? So he may be a really nice guy but how does this qualify him to be President?

Filling out a 12 page survey from a focus group on September 9, 1996 when Barack Obama sought office in the 13th State Legislature District, Mr. Obama replied as follows to questions:

Do you favor Domestic Partnership legislation? Yes
Do you support the right of public employees to strike? Yes
Do you support banning the replacement of strikers in private employment? Yes
Do you support Medicaid funding for abortion? Yes
Parental Consent/Notification for minors seeking abortions? No
Do you support Capital Punishment: No
Criminal prosecutions of Juvenile as Adults: No
Mandatory Sentencing: No
Do you support legislation banning the manufacture and sale of handguns? Yes

POLITICO posted the entire survey completed by Barack Obama on its site: "Liberal Views Could Hurt Obama" December 11, 2007

One week after POLITICO provided a copy of the survey to Senator Obama for comment, an aide contacted POLITICO and said that Obama did not complete the survey. "Liberal Views Could Haunt Obama" USA Today" December 11, 2007

Oh my---another Denier taking a chapter from the Clinton play book.

Americans for Democratic Action
, the nations oldest liberal lobbying group has given Obama a 97.5% rating.

There is no doubt that the first term Senator from Illinois is an appealing, charismatic, skillful campaigner, who has been able to shy away from offering Democrats any real substance other than Obama For Change but what kind of change? What if anything do Democrats really know about Barack Obama?