Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mitt Romney Uncertainty

Former Massachusetts Governor and GOP Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has called for a Employment Verification System on "Meet the Press" on Sunday, so that employers could determine if an employee was legally able to be employed in the United States---the federal government has an E-Verify system in place since 1997 which was expanded in 2005 The system is free and simple to use and should "...absolutely eliminate any excuses for employers have for not knowing the legal status of a worker..." says Vernoica Valdes, spokesperson for the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.

The Boston Globe reported that Romney has employed illegal aliens to do lawn maintenance for him---Romney lashed out during a GOP Debate that Rudy Giuliani provided sanctuary to illegal aliens while he was Mayor of NYC.

Romney the flip-flopper on issues with no firm convictions on anything other than maybe being a Mormon, was mystified to learn that the E-Verify system was in place when he claimed to have such a difficult challenge to verify the employment status of his lawn care workers.

The pro-choice friendly Republican believed in 2006 that the abortion debate should be left up to the states, Julie Teer spokesperson for the Gov. Romney said, "The Governor believes that states should have the right to be pro-life if that is the will of the people." In 1994 while running for the U.S. Senate Romney declared that, "...abortion should be safe and legal in this country."

On Immigration Romney has flip-flopped during the last year. In 2006 then Governor Romney supported the President's immigration policy as well as the McCain-Kennedy bill and expressed support for an immigration program that places large numbers of illegal aliens on a path toward citizenship. This year the GOP Presidential hopeful claims to strongly oppose the immigration plan but while campaigning in Florida Romney said, "...he would not deny illegal immigrants the opportunity to apply for permanent residency or citizenship..."

The Boston Globe reported in January "...that Governor Romney who once described himself as a supporter of strong gun 1994 during his failed Senate bid Romney backed 2 gun control measures opposed by the NRA..." In 2002 during a Gubernatorial debate with Democrat Shannon O'Brien, Romeny lauded Massachusetts gun laws saying, "...we do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts and I support them...I won't chip away at them, I believe that they protect us and provide for our safety."

Now running for President, the GOP hopeful has retreated on his position saying that while as Governor, he worked to ease restrictions on gun owners and proudly claims to be a proud member of the NRA.

Mitt Romney has a long and undistinguished history of flip-flopping on issues from abortion, immigration to gun control for political gain. The GOP hopeful seems uncertain what his views are for sure on matters of importance to Americans and his shifting positions should be a concern to voters in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina that soon will be casting their votes in the upcoming primary process.