Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chuck Norris Endorsement of Huckabee

Chuck Norris the founder of Kickstart and television Star of Walker Texas Ranger, Delta Force & Missing in Action is seen here campaigning for GOP Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee the former Governor of Arkansas.

On October 21, Chuck Norris wrote at Worldnet Daily.com why he endorsed Mike Huckabee for President---"...Like most of you over the summer and into the fall I've been watching, listening, studying and praying about who could lead this country as our next President....Mike hasn't lived an isolated, out of touch life, like so many politicians...Mike and his Sister grew up poor, not privileged. He was the first person in his family to graduate from high school and he worked two jobs in college and graduated in 2.5 years. He is an outdoorsman, an avid fisherman, hunter and long term member of the NRA. Mike is a committed husband and father...he doesn't abandon his values for whats expedient. Like our Founding Fathers, he's not afraid to stand up for a Creator and against secularist beliefs..."

Chuck Norris who grew up poor, the son of an abusive alcoholic father graduated from Torrance High School in 1958 and enlisted into the Air Force after high school. It was there he was introduced to martial arts and later became a Black Belt and opened up a Martial Arts school in Torrance after being discharged from the Air Force, as he relates in his book Against All Odds.

A Christian and author of The Justice Riders he has been in television commercials promoting the scriptures, bible study and prayer. A long time supporter of Conservative Republican values, Chuck Norris didn't become politically active until 1988 when George Bush (41) ran for President. The endorsement of Mike Huckabee says volumes about the former Arkansas Governor, his character and principles.